James Madison once said, “Each State, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its voluntary act. In this relation, the new Constitution will, if established, be a federal, not a national constitution.”
Did you know Texas was once its own country? That is right! Before joining the United States, Texas stood proudly as the Republic of Texas. The spirit of independence runs deep in its history. Some people are working tirelessly to see Texas become an independent nation again. It is an idea as bold as the Lone Star State itself!
What Makes the Idea of Texit So Intriguing?
The concept of Texas breaking away from the U.S. might sound surprising. But for many, it is about reclaiming the state’s unique identity and values. Imagine a state managing its laws, policies, and resources without federal oversight. That is the vision behind Texit—a peaceful effort to restore Texas as an independent republic.
This theme takes center stage in Texit: The Hour of Our Disunion. It is a thrilling story with gripping characters, but it is also a deep dive into the idea of Texas independence.
A Closer Look at the Book’s Storyline
The novel follows Charlie O’Neal, a former Army Ranger, as he navigates personal and political challenges. From the heartbreaking loss of his wife, Sophia, to dangerous missions for the Texas secession movement, Charlie’s journey has been riveting.
Meanwhile, a tangled web of corruption involving politicians, cartels, and child trafficking keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Can Charlie and his allies overcome these obstacles to achieve their dream of an independent Texas?
Texas Independence – A Unique Vision of Self-Governance
What inspires the idea of Texit? For many supporters, it is about embracing the rich culture, heritage, and resilience that define Texas. They believe in the potential for Texas to thrive as an independent entity, making decisions that align closely with the values and aspirations of its people.
Texit is more than a political concept; it is a reminder that Sam Houston was elected president of the new Texas Republic on September 5, 1836. It invites meaningful discussions about self-determination, resource management, and preserving a way of life that Texans hold dear. Whether you see it as a bold move or a fascinating idea, Texit shines a light on the enduring spirit of the Lone Star State.
What Can We Learn From Texit?
While Texit: The Hour of Our Disunion is a work of fiction, it is packed with lessons. It challenges readers to think about the balance of power between states and the federal government. It also sheds light on real-world issues like corruption and the resilience of communities in the face of adversity.
Beyond politics, Charlie’s story reminds us of the strength we can find in tough times and the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs and the sanctity of life and the land. When he meets Penny Townsand, he begins a new chapter. COVID-19 killed his wife, Sophia; nothing is going to harm Penny. He was always armed and ready. He meant it. Nothing.
Then Penny’s best friend is dead. She worked for a congresswoman. Chief of Staff. No clues. Then, Charlie is kidnapped by two Mexican Cartel thugs. Just a regular day at the office.
Why Should You Read This Book?
If you love stories about love stories, but that also blend action, history, and thought-provoking themes, Texit: The Hour of Our Disunion is a must-read. It is a gripping tale of the courage of the men and women who live the life of, say, a Texas Ranger, with passion and a great love for the land. TEXIT will keep you turning pages. Texas has a unique spirit indeed.
This is not just a book—it is a treasure. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of Texas, its people, and the challenges it faces as a border state as immigration swells.
Are You Ready to Learn More About Texit? (Trust Me, It Will Change Your Life Once You Do)
Are you curious about Texas independence and the story of Charlie O’Neal? Texit: The Hour of Our Disunion is waiting for you. Do not miss out on this exciting and thought-provoking read.
This is your chance to go on a journey through history, politics, and our triumphs. Just when you thought it was an easy feat, to hijack the second largest state, after Alaska, the dirty Governor sniffs a mutiny.